Lisson Grove

Lisson Grove

Lisson Grove is the street located at the end of Church Street going towards Marylebone. Lisson Grove is famous for being the birthplace of the character Eliza Doolittle from George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion, later the stage adapted “My Fair Lady”.

Due to the extreme poverty, squalor and general dilapidation of the homes in the area Lisson Grove was considered one of London’s worst slums in the 19th century. Lisson Grove had a reputation, particularly for its connection to crime and prostitution. Drinking was a popular pastime around Lisson Grove, the women in the area well known for their drunken and often violent behaviour. Police would patrol the area but often in pairs for fear of assault.

Philanthropists were attracted to the area of Lisson Grove during the 19th Century. Through their involvement squalid slums began to disappear and as time went on more suitable dwellings replaced them.

Lisson Grove is famous for its sea shell restaurant, Sea Shell at Lisson Grove. Famous for its servings of traditional fish and chips, it is also known for its celebrity diners.

Lisson Grove was the original site of the Lord’s Cricket Ground.